27.07.2024 Company history
REOTEK – supplier of equipment and technologies for small-size oil refining and gas processing plants
Tel.: +7-800-707-01-97 www.reotek.com
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The history of our Company extends back over 20 years. Its start was marked in 1991 on the basis of the North Caucasian Research Institute for Natural Gas (SevKavNIIgaz, Stavropol). REOTEK today is one of the leading Russian companies, producing equipment for chemical and oil-and-gas industries. Since the foundation day the Company advances permanently, expanding its capabilities for Customers and offering the most sound and up-to-date technologies and services.

As of today we have developed more than 50 innovative projects in chemical and oil-and-gas industries. The equipment manufactured by REOTEK operates successfully in many regions of Russia.

One of our Company’s advantages is the qualified and well-orchestrated team, which has acquired vast professional experience due to mastering and incorporation of new technologies and know-how developments in its activity.

So, since 2010 REOTEK Company has begun to produce the oil refining equipment belonging to the 4th generation. The apparatus, pumps, instruments and all the other equipment of the fourth-generation refineries have been provided with the essential safety margins and high-level reliability for durable nonstop operation with minimum quantity of stand-by equipment. It helps our Customers produce the high-quality oil products, get maximum profit within a shortest payback period.

The Company has gained a reputation of a reliable and responsible partner during a period of its activity. A stable position of REOTEK in the Russian market and high potential make it possible to extend geography of equipment sales as well as the line of products and services in its activity.

Years Events
1991 Company foundation
1995 Work on small-size Atmospheric distillation unit (ADU) project is commenced
1998 The prototype of horizontal rectifying apparatus is developed
2003 The first ADU with horizontal rectifying apparatus featuring crude capacity of 75,000 bbl per year is manufactured and put into operation
2005 The ADU with horizontal rectifying apparatus featuring crude capacity of 150,000 bbl per year is manufactured and put into operation
2007 The ADU with horizontal rectifying apparatus featuring crude capacity of 370,000 bbl per year is manufactured and put into operation
2010 Sales office opened in Moscow
2011 The ADU with horizontal rectifying apparatus featuring crude capacity of 730,000 bbl per year is manufactured and put into operation
2012 Prototype of horizontal rectifying apparatus for processing APG is developed
2014 The ADU featuring crude capacity of 1,000,000 bbl per year is manufactured and put into operation
2015 The oil fuel thermal cracking unit featuring capacity of 220,000 bbl per year is manufactured and put into operation